Bank Guarantees (BG) / Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC)
Bank Guarantees (BG) / Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC)
Grand City Investment Ltd Investments Ltd solely lives, breaths, focuses on and deals with the following Financial Instruments: Bank Guarantees (BGs), Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC), Mid Term Notes (MTNs), Private Placement Programs (PPP), Montization of bank instruments, Funding, Buying and Selling of Financial Instruments.

We have conquered the financial instruments industry from the inside out with some of our staff coming directly from working in the Financial Instrument Departments of World Top 25 Banks. Our business has close personal relationships, direct access and strong long term operational partnerships with Bank CEOs and Department Managers, Bank Financial Instrument Departments, Trade Platforms and countless other finance, banking, trading, monetization and funding experts. We are immersed in the World Financial Instruments industry permanently. That is our niche, our core competency, our passion, our focus and our exceptional expertise. We are the #1 World Financial Instrument Specialists who close deals, complete transactions, protect customers and achieve results others only talk about.
All Our bank instruments are issued by prime banks such as London, Barclays Bank London, Citibank New York, Standard Chartered bank or any top AAA rated bank of your choice. Through our cutting edge facilities, BG’s and SBLC’s can be issued to both local and overseas beneficiary from any top 25 world bank at 4% interest rate per year. These financial instruments can be used to get loans, credit enhancement facilities, PPP, joint ventures, trading, signature projects etc.
Letter of Credit (Documentary Letter Of Credit (L/C, DLC)
Letter of Credit (Documentary Letter Of Credit (L/C, DLC) is the bank’s obligation to pay the seller of goods or services a certain amount of money in the timely submission of documents confirming shipment of goods or performance of contractual services. Documentary Letter Of Credit is one of the most important means of financing in the international trade, as the letter of credit is a tool that removes most of risks as from the buyer (importer) and from the seller (exporter).
Registered Bonds
We can arrange for underwritten by a European Brokerage through a series of registered Bonds and offering these Bonds for sale through broker dealers around the world. These Notes would be listed on DTC/Euroclear, for sale. We can accommodate clients who require a minimum of $5 MM with no maximum.
Structured Note Program
A new program backed by a major financial institution that guarantees the principal and interest for project financing. This program is for clients who requires a minimum of $20Million USD. AAA or rated higher institution will be the guarantor of not only the principle but the interest payments as well using their portfolio $30 plus Billion dollars of fortune 500 companies as collateral.
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