Lease Bank Instruments Providers

Lease Bank Instruments / Bank Instrument Providers Bongyan Finance Limited is a provider of Lease bank instruments, bank instrument providers, leading bank instrument provider, lease bg sblc provider. We are also direct providers of business loans, international project funding, Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Letter of Credit (LC/DLC) Bank Guarantee (BG), Performance Guarantee Bond, Tender Bond Guarantee, Advance Payment Guarantee etc. Our bank instruments are issued from prime banks such as HSBC Hong Kong, Barclays Bank London, Standard Chattered Bank or any AAA rated bank of your choice. Lease bank instruments, bank instrument providers, leading bank instrument providers. What Is A Bank Instrument / Financial Instruments? A Bank Financial Instrument can be described as a financial document that is issued by a bank or other financial institutions to a customer, beneficiary or investor and used for different financial solutions, purposes and obligations. Some bank financial instruments may be divided according to an asset class, which depends on whether they are debt-based or equity-based. Foreign exchange instruments comprise a third, unique type of financial instrument. Financial instruments can assist individuals, businesses, organizations and governments to overcome conventional banking challenges and fund their projects, businesses, trade financing, import and export transactions or other strategic objectives. Types and Examples of Bank Instruments Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC, SLC, LC) Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) Deferred Letter of Credit (DLC) Certificate of time deposits (CD) Stand by letter of credit (SBLC) Medium term notes (MTN’s) Long Term Notes (LTN) Promissory Notes (PN) Bank Guarantee (BG) Treasury Bills (T – B) Bank Drafts (BD) Bonds What Is a Bank Guarantee? A bank guarantee is a promise from a bank or other lending institution that if a particular borrower defaults on a loan, the bank will cover the loss. note that a bank guarantee is not the same as a letter of credit (see the differences between those two below). Bank Guarantee Example Let’s assume Company Mr……….. is a small, relatively unknown restaurant company that would like to purchase $4 million of kitchen equipment. The equipment vendor may require Company Mr……… provide a bank guarantee in order to feel more confident that it will receive payment for the equipment it ships to Company Mr……….. To obtain this bank guarantee, Company Mr……..requests one from its preferred lender (usually the bank with which it keeps its cash accounts). The lender provides the guarantee in writing, which is then passed on to Company Mr…..and its vendor. Company Mrs…..lender essentially becomes a co-signer on the purchase contract with the vendor. Why a Bank Guarantee Matters A bank guarantee brings confidence to commerce. It enables companies to make purchases that they would otherwise not be able to make; these guarantees thus serve to heighten business activity and expand entrepreneurial activity. Bank Guarantee vs. Letter of Credit It is important to note that a bank guarantee is not the same as a letter of credit, although with both instruments the issuing bank accepts a customer’s liability if the customer defaults. With a guarantee, the seller’s claim goes first to the buyer, and if the buyer defaults, then the claim goes to the bank. With letters of credit, the seller’s claim goes first to the bank, not the buyer. Although the seller will likely get paid in both cases, letters of credit offer more assurance to sellers than guarantees generally do. lease bg, lease bg providers, lease bank guarantee, lease bank guarantee provider, top Bank Guarantee Providers, lease bank guarantee providers, leading provider of bank guarantee, genuine bank guarantee provider, international bank guarantee providers, provider of leased bank guarantee #leasebg, #leasebankguarantee, #leasebgproviders, #leasebankguaranteeprovider, #providerofleasedbankguarantee, #topbankguaranteeprovider, #genuinebankguaranteeprovider, #realbankguaranteeprovider, #internationalbankguaranteeproviders
What is a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC / SLOC)?Credit: (SBLC)? A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC / SLOC) is a guarantee that is made by a bank on behalf of a client, which ensures payment will be made even if their client cannot fulfill the payment. It is a payment of last resort from the bank, and ideally, is never meant to be used. How can a contractual SBLC be used? An SBLC is frequently used as a safety mechanism for the beneficiary, in an attempt to hedge out risks associated with the trade. Simplistically, it is a guarantee of payment which will be issued by a bank on the behalf of a client. It is also perceived as a “payment of last resort” due to the circumstances under which it is called upon. The SBLC prevents contracts going unfulfilled if a business declares bankruptcy or cannot otherwise meet financial obligations. Furthermore, the presence of an SBLC is usually seen as a sign of good faith as it provides proof of the buyer’s credit quality and the ability to make payment. In order to set this up, a short underwriting duty is performed to ensure the credit quality of the party that is looking for a letter of credit. Once this has been performed, a notification is then sent to the bank of the party who requested the Letter of Credit (typically the seller). In the case of a default, the counter-party may have part of the finance paid back by the issuing bank under an SBLC. Standby Letter of Credit’s are used to promote confidence in companies because of this. What is the difference between a Bank Guarantee and a Letter of Credit? Bank guarantees and Letters of Credit are both used in international transactions, however the market for Bank Guarantees is much larger than that of LOC’s. Bank Guarantees are often used in real estate and infrastructure to mitigate credit risks, whereas Letters of Credit are frequently used in commodity markets other international markets. A Bank Guarantee is similar to a Letter of credit in that they both instil confidence in the transaction and participating parties. However the main difference is that Letters of Credit ensure that a transaction goes ahead, whereas a Bank Guarantee reduces any loss incurred if the transaction does not go to plan. Letters of Credit – Reducing the Risk involved A Letter of Credit is a promise from a financial institution to honour the financial obligations of the buyer, and this then eliminates any risk of the buyer not fulfilling the payments. As a result, it is often used to mitigate the risk of not being paid post-delivery. Furthermore, a LC is issued to the buyer after carrying out the necessary due diligence and collecting sufficient collateral to cover the guaranteed amount. The Letter is then presented to the seller as proof of the buyer’s credit quality. Bank Guarantees – Failure of Contractual Obligations Bank Guarantees help companies mitigate any risk arising from either side of the transaction, and play a large role in facilitating high-value transactions. The agreed amount is referred to as the guaranteed amount and will always fall in favour of a beneficiary. In Ventures where two parties are obligated to perform certain duties in order to successfully complete a transaction, both parties often use Bank Guarantees as a way of showing their credibility and financial health. Moreover, if one party fails, the other party can then invoke the bank guarantee by filing a claim with the lending institution and receive the guaranteed amount. Unlike LOC’s, Bank Guarantees protect both parties involved. Bank guarantee, Letters of Credit, Shipping, Trade The Critical Difference Merchants involved in the exports and imports of goods will choose Letters of Credit to ensure delivery and payments. In contrast, Contractors bidding for infrastructure projects will prove their financial credibility through Bank Guarantees. Furthermore, another distinctive difference between the two instruments is that Bank Guarantees are more costly than their counterpart. This is due to its ability to protect both parties in the transaction, and also due to the Bank Guarantee covering a wider range of higher value transactions. Variations As they are tailored instruments, Bank Guarantees can come in different forms: Advanced Payment Guarantee – Typically ensures the performance of a commercial contract. Loan Guarantee – Promises to assume the debt obligation of the borrower if they face default. Performance Guarantee – Ensures the full and due performance of the contract in line with the original contract. Deferred Payment Guarantee – A promise for a payment which has been postponed. Shipping Guarantee – A written guarantee which will be presented to the carrier in the event of goods arriving before the arrival of the shipping documents. Trade Credit Guarantee – This covers the providers of a good/ service against the risk of non (or late) payment. Similarly, lending institutions issue different forms of Letters of Credit: Import LC – Short-term cash advance that enables an importer to meet immediate payments. Export LC – A document containing instructions to the buyer’s bank that they must pay you on the condition that the agreed specifications are met. Revocable LC – uncommon due to the fact these LoC’s can be canceled by the bank at any time, for any reason. Irrevocable LC – This guarantees a buyer’s obligations to a seller. Confirmed LC – Present when the issuing bank may have a questionable quality of credit. Unconfirmed LC – A letter of credit that does not have the confirmation of any bank. What are the fees for Standby Letters of Credit? It is standard for a fee to be between 1-10% of the SBLC value. In the event that the business meets the contractual obligations prior to the due date, it is possible for an SBLC to be ended with no further charges. What is the difference between SBLCs and LCs? A Standby Letter of Credit is different from a Letter of Credit. An SBLC is paid when called on after conditions have not been fulfilled. However, a Letter of Credit is the guarantee of payment when certain specifications are met and documents received from the selling party. Letters of credit promote trust in a transaction, due to the nature of international dealings, distance, knowledge of another party and legal differences. How do SBLCs work in Cross-Border trade? Where goods are sold to a counter-party in another country, they may have used an SBLC to ensure their seller will be paid. In the event that there is non-payment, the seller will present the SBLC to the buyer’s bank so that payment is received. A performance SBLC makes sure that the criteria surrounding the trade such as suitability and quality of goods are met. We sometimes see SBLCs in construction contracts as the build must fulfill many quality and time specifications. In the event that the contractor does not fulfill these specifications then there is no need to prove loss or have long protracted negotiations; the SBLC is provided to the bank and payment is then received. #leaseSBLC, #leasingsblc, #leasesblcproviders, #leasestandbyletterofcredit , #RealSBLCProvidersworldwide, #toplettersofcreditproviders, #genuineletterofcreditproviders Bank Instrument Monetization- Monetisation of BG/SLBC. Bank Guarantee (BG) & SBLC Monetization or monetisation is the process of converting a bg/sblc into money or legal tender. BG SBLC funding is the process of using bg sblc to obtain loan or funding from a bank. BG/SBLC financing can also be described as the process of converting bg sblc into cash. Kingrise Finance Limited are monetizers of bank instruments. We also assist clients who out of their own efforts have bought or procured bank instrument and want to monetize them. Aa a genuine bank instrument provider, our bank instruments are cash backed and can be used for Discounting, Monetization and Private Placement Programs (PPP). They also can be used as collateral against a loan or credit line to secure Funding for Projects. Bank Instrument Description: 1. Bank Instrument Type: Cash Backed Bank Guarantee {BG} / Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) 2. Face Value: USD 5Million (Minimum) to USD 5 Billion (Maximum) 3. Issuing Bank: Barclays Bank London, HSBC Hong Kong, Citibank New York, Deutsch Bank Germany or any prime bank. 4. Age: One Year and One Day (with rolls and extensions where applicable) 5. Leasing Price: 4% of Face Value plus 2% brokers commission (Applicable only if there are brokers in the transaction) 6. Delivery: SWIFT MT-760 7. Payment: MT103 Swift Wire Transfer 8. Hard Copy: Bank Bonded Courier within 7 banking days. Why Choose Us? Fast Turnaround Best Top Rated Banks Competitive Low rates No prepayment penalty 2 Days for Commitment Extremely Satisfied Clients WE KEEP OUR PROMISE 20 Years of Experience & Trust No Personal Collateral Required Solutions for every customer & every industry. Loan amounts from $1 million to no maximum. Fast Approvals & Fast Funding- Closing in as little as 5 days BROKERS WANTED: We welcome brokers who are direct to the client. New brokers are welcomed and are rewarded with 2% commission on every deal they bring to us, but you must be direct to the client and not in broker chains. We do not get involved with daisy chain of brokers, neither do we tolerate scammers, jokers and time wasters. Kindly contact Us today for all your funding needs, including business loan, SME Loans, project financing, Lease BG, Lease SBLC, Bank Guarantee Provider Website: Email: Lease bank instruments, bank instrument providers, leading bank instrument provider, top bank instrument provider


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