We Are Genuine Providers of BG/SBLC

Everyday lots of people are asking How To Find Genuine Bank Instrument Providers such as Genuine SBLC Providers and real bank guarantee providers? Why are there so many Loopholes in the bank instrument industry? Why are most people who claim to be providers of bank instruments not? Since there are many sharks in this industry pretending to be providers, how can I find a real bg sblc provider? What exactly do you need? How long do you need it for? Are you a principal borrower or a broker? We are direct providers of Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC), Bank Guarantee (BG) and Monetization. This offer is open to both individuals and corporate bodies at reasonable prices, Issuance by top AA rated Bank We provide the best Selling Financial Instruments. Buying or Leasing SBLC: Looking for a genuine and reliable Provider to buy or lease a Standby Letter Of Credit (SBLC) or a Bank Guarantee (BG)? Well, your search ends here and there is no need to look any further. We are experts at handling issuance as well as monetizing of SBLC/BG and we have successfully done this many times over. Banks, Corporations, Airline Operators, Investment Bankers, Energy Companies, Project Owners, Miners, Oil & Gas upstream and downstream companies, Commodity Traders, etc. have used our services to successfully obtain SBLCs/BGs. Since purchasing or leasing SBLC/BG is a complicated process, you need to follow our procedure unconditionally to attain success provided you are financially capable to transact and possess the correct business credentials. You also must have a credible reason (e.g. a bankable project or an ongoing trade deal) to purchase/lease such financial instruments. WHAT IS SBLC ? Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)/ Bank Guarantee (BG) is a guarantee of payment issued by a bank on behalf of a client that is used as “payment of last resort” should the client fail to fulfill a contractual commitment with a third party. Standby letters of credit are created as a sign of good faith in business transactions and are proof of a buyer’s credit quality and repayment abilities. The bank issuing the SBLC performs brief underwriting duties to ensure the credit quality of the party seeking the letter of credit, then sends notification to the bank of the party requesting the letter of credit (typically a seller or creditor). A standby letter of credit shows a company’s credit quality and ability to repay loans. Although SBLC/BG is not intended for use as a replacement for immediate cash payment obligation, it helps fulfill business obligations in case the business stops operations, cannot pay its vendors or becomes insolvent. Small businesses often face difficulty when securing financing. For this reason, Standby Letters of Credit may be especially beneficial for encouraging investors to lend money to such a company. In case of default, investors are assured they will be paid the principal and interest from the bank through which the SBLC/BG is secured. Standby Letters of Credit are issued for use in a wide variety of commercial and financial operations. Standby Letters of Credit are very much alike Documentary Letters of Credit (DLC). The main difference between a Documentary Letter of Credit and a Standby Letter Of Credit being that unlike DLCs, SBLCs only become operative in case the applicant defaults. In case of default, the beneficiary in whose favor the SBLC was issued, can draw on the SBLC and demand payment. HOW DOES SBLC WORK? As a performance standby – backs a commitment to perform other than to pay money/funds and includes an obligation to pay for loses occurring from a default of the buyer in the process of completing an underlying transaction. As an advance-payment standby – supports an obligation to account for an advance payment made by the supplier to the buyer. As a bid-bond or tender-bond standby – backs an obligation of the buyer to execute a contract if the buyer is awarded a bid. As a counter standby – backs the issuance of another, separate standby letter of credit or other undertaking by the supplier of the counter standby. As a financial standby – supports an obligation to pay funds, including any instrument evidencing an obligation to repay borrowed money. As an insurance standby – supports an insurance obligation of the applicant. As a commercial standby – backs the commitment of a buyer to pay for goods or services in the event of non-payment by other methods. As a direct-pay standby – intended to be the primary method of payment. It may or may not be linked to a default in performance or payment. SBLC/BG FACTS: Website: https://bongyanfinancelimited.com Company Email: info@bongyanfinancelimited.com
All SBLC/BG are Asset/Cash backed. Whether purchased of leased, SBLC / BG is issued for a “term” having validity normally for 1 year and 1 day which may extend up to multiple years depending on the Provider’s own discretion and Provider’s level of comfort with the Beneficiary. Whether purchased of leased, SBLC / BG is issued for a “term” having validity normally for 1 year and 1 day which may extend up to multiple years depending on the Provider’s own discretion and Provider’s level of comfort with the Beneficiary. Banks will issue an SBLC/BG to any of its customers if they have sufficient cash in their bank account or available balance in their credit line (if they are already availing a credit line from the bank). It’s a complete myth that “Banks Do Not Issue SBLC/BG). This is the “Primary Market” transaction. Providers of SBLC/BG are a part of the “Secondary Market” transactions. SBLC/BG Providers are high net worth corporations or individuals who hold bank accounts at the issuing bank that contain significant cash sums (assets). SBLC/BG Provider would often be a collateral management firm, a hedge fund, or private equity company. SBLC/BG Provider instructs its issuing bank to secure and encumber cash in his own account and authorizes the bank to “cut” (an industry terms meaning to create a financial instrument such as SBLC/BG ). Effectively, the SBLC/BG is “leased” or “sold” to the Beneficiary as a form of investment since the Provider receives a return on his commitment. Let’s hear from you what is your request /inquiries please use the below information Website: https://bongyanfinancelimited.com Company Email: info@bongyanfinancelimited.com


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